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1.      Wu Y. F., J. Zhu, H. Z. Che, X. A. Xia, R. J. Zhang, 2015, Column-integrated aerosol optical

properties and direct radiative forcing based on sun photometer measurements at a semi-arid

rural site in Northeast China, Atmospheric Research, 157: 5665.

2.      Chen, Y., J. Z. Xia, S. L. Liang, J. M. Feng, J. B. Fisher, X. Li, X. L. Li, S. G. Liu, et al., 2014:

Comparison of satellite-based evapotranspiration models over terrestrial ecosystems in China.

Remote Sensing of Environment, 140, 279-293.

3.      Xia, J. Z., W. P. Yuan, S. L. Liang, J. Q. Chen, S. G. Liu, L. H. Li, X. L. Li, L. Zhang, et al.,

2014: Satellite-based analysis of evapotranspiration and water balance in the grassland

ecosystems of dryland East Asia. PLoS ONE 9(5), e97295, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097295.

4.      Yuan, W. P., D. Liu, W. J. Dong, S. G. Liu, G. S. Zhou, G. R. Yu, T. B. Zhao, J. M. Feng, et al.,

2014: Multiyear precipitation reduction strongly decreases carbon uptake over northern China.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119, 881–896, doi: 10.1002/2014JG002608.

5.      Zhang, L., H. D. Guo, G. S. Jia, W. Bruce, G. Tagir, H. Danny, L. Ji, J. F. Xiao, et al., 2014:

Net ecosystem productivity of temperate grasslands in northern China: An upscaling study.

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 184 (15), 71-81.

6.      Hou, J., G. Jia, T. Zhao, H. Wang, and B. Tang, 2014: Satellite based estimation of daily

average net radiation under clear sky conditions. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31(3), 705-720.

7.      Huang, G. H., W. Z. Wang, X. T. Zhang, S. L. Liang, S. M. Liu, T. B. Zhao, J. M. Feng,

and Z. G. Ma, 2013: Preliminary validation of GLASS-DSSR products using surface

measurements collected in arid and semi-arid regions of China. International Journal of

Digital Earth, doi:10.1080/17538947.2013.825655.

8.      Li, X. L., S. L. Liang, G. R. Yu, W. P. Yuan, X. Cheng, J. Z. Xia, T. B. Zhao, J. M. Feng, et al.,

2013: Estimation of gross primary production over the terrestrial ecosystems in China. Ecological

Modelling, 80-92, doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.03.024.

9.      Wang, H. S., and G. S. Jia, 2013: Regional estimates of evapotranspiration over northern

China with a remotely sensed triangle interpolation method. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 30(5), 1479-1490.

10. Wang, X. F., M. G. Ma, X. Li, Y. Song, J. L. Tan, G. H. Huang, Z. H. Zhang, T. B. Zhao, et al.,

2013: Validation of MODIS GPP product at ten flux sites in northern China. International Journal

of Remote Sensing, 34(2), 587-599.

11. Zhang, A., and G. Jia, 2013: Monitoring meteorological drought in semiarid region using

multi-sensor microwave remote sensing data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 134, 12-23.

12. Li, X. L., S. L. Liang, W. P. Yuan, G. R. Yu, X. Cheng, Y. Chen, T. B. Zhao, et al., 2012:

Estimation of evapotranspiration over the terrestrial ecosystems in China. Ecohydrology,

doi: 10.1002/eco.1341.

13. Ling, X. L., W. D. Guo, and Q. F. Zhao, 2012: Evaluating CEOP model performance in

semi-arid region of China. Environ. Res. Lett., 7(2), 025202.

14. Wang, H. S., and G. S. Jia, 2012: Satellite based monitoring of decadal soil salinization

and climate effects in semi-arid China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 29(5), 1089-1099.

15. Wu, Y. F., R. J. Zhang, Y. F. Pu, L. M. Zhang, K. F. Ho, and C. B. Fu, 2012: Aerosol optical

properties observed at a semi-arid rural site in Northeastern China. Aerosol and Air Quality

Research, 12, 503-514.

16. Zhang, R. J., J. Tao, K. F. Ho, Z. X. Shen, G. H. Wang, J. J. Cao, S. X. Liu, L. M. Zhang,

and S. C. Lee, 2012: Characterization of atmospheric organic carbon and elemental carbon

of PM2.5 in a typical semi-arid area of Northeastern China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research,

12, 792-802.

17. Zhang, X., 2012: Improvement of a Soil-Atmosphere-Transfer Model for the Simulation of

Bare Soil Surface Energy Balances in Semiarid Areas. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 48(1), 97-105.

18. Ho, K.F., R.J. Zhang, S.C. Lee, S. S. H. Ho, S.X. Liu, K. Fung, J. J. Cao, Z.X. Shen, H.M. Xu,

2011:Characteristics of carbonate carbon in PM2.5 in a typical semi-arid area of Northeastern

China. Atmospheric Environment, 45(6), 1268-1274.

19. Li, H. Q., W. D. Guo, G. D. Sun, Y. C. Zhang, and C. B. Fu, 2011: A New Approach for

Parameter Optimization of Land Surface Model. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 28(5),


20. Shen, Z. X., X. Wang, R. J. Zhang, K. F. Ho, and J. J. Cao, 2011: Chemical composition of

water-soluble ions and carbonate estimation in spring aerosol at a semi-arid site of Tongyu, China.

Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 11, 360-368.

21. Wu, Y. F., R. J. Zhang, C. B. Fu, and C. T. Gao, 2011: Variability of Blowing Dust Weather

Frequency over Semi-Arid Areas of China (Baicheng, Jilin Province) and Relationships with

Climatic Factors During 1951-2006. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 22(3), 315-324.

22. Zhang, A. Z., G. S. Jia, H. S. Wang, T. B. Zhao, J. M. Feng, and Z. J. Ma, 2011: Evaluation of

AMSR-E-Derived Soil Moisture over Northern China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters,

4(4), 223-228.

23. Zhang, A. Z., G. S. Jia, H. S. Wang, and T. B. Zhao, 2011: Validation of Land Surface

Temperature Derived from 37-GHz AMSR-E over Northern China. Atmospheric and Oceanic

Science Letters, 4 (5), 257-263.

24. 李红祺,郭维栋,孙国栋,2011: 条件非线性最优扰动方法(CNOP)在陆面过程模式参数优化中

的扩展应用初探. 物理学报, 60(1), 784-790

25. Cheng, T. T., Z. W. Han, R. J. Zhang, H. H. Du, and X. Jia, 2010: Black carbon in a continental

semi-arid area of Northeast China and its possible sources of fire emission. J. Geophys. Res.,

115, D23204.

26. Wang, H. S., G. S. Jia, C. B. Fu, J. M., Feng, T. B. Zhao, and Z. G. Ma, 2010: Deriving maximal

light use efficiency from coordinated flux measurements and satellite data for regional gross primary

 production modeling. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 2248-2258.

27. Yao, Y. H., W. D. Guo, and Y. M. Song, 2010: Evaluating CEOP Model Performance with

the Observational Data from Tongyu Reference Site, Semi-arid Region of China.

Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 46(4), 475-481.

28. 凌肖露, 张镭, 郭维栋, 2010: 沙尘气溶胶对半干旱区微气象学特征影响的初步研究. 气候与环境

研究, 15(3), 279-288.

29. 王鹤松, 贾根锁, 冯锦明, 赵天保, 马柱国, 2010: 我国北方地区植被总初级生产力的空间分布与

季节变化. 大气科学, 34(5), 882-890.

30. Ling, X. L., W. D. Guo, and L. Zhang, 2010: A case study of the impacts of dust aerosols on

surface atmospheric variables and energy budgets in a semi-arid region of China. Atmospheric and

Ocean Science Letters, 3(3), 145-150.

31. Wang, H. S., G. S. Jia, J. M. Feng, T. B. Zhao, and Z. G. Ma, 2010: Modeling gross primary

production by integrating satellite data and coordinated flux measurements in arid and semi-arid

China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 3(1), 7-13.

32. Zhang, X., 2010: Simulation of the Bare Soil Surface Energy Balance at the Tongyu Reference

Site in Semiarid Area of North China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 3(6), 330-335.

33. Sun, S. N., F. Xing, H. K. Zhao, Z. J. Bai, Y. Gao, M. L. Chen, and Y. S. Dong, 2014: Response

of bacterial community to simulated nitrogen deposition in soils and a unique relationship between

plant species and soil bacteria in the Songnen grassland in Northeastern China. Journal of Soil

Science and Plant Nutrition, (in press).

34. Chen, W., D. Q. Zhu, H. Z. Liu and S. F. Sun, 2009: Land-air Interaction over Arid/semi-arid

areas in China and its impact on the East Asian Summer Monsoon Pert I: calibration of the land

surface model (BATS) using Multicriteria Methods. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26, 1088-1098.

35. Song, Y. M., and W. D. Guo, 2009: Numerical Study of Impacts of Soil Moisture on the Diurnal

and Seasonal Cycles of Sensible/Latent Heat Fluxes over Semi-arid Region. Adv. Atmos. Sci.,

26(2), 319-326.

36. Dan, L., J. J. Ji, and H. Z. Liu, 2008: Use of a land surface model to evaluate the observed soil

moisture of grassland at the Tongyu reference site. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 25(6), 1073-1084.

37. Liu, H. Z., B. M. Wang, and C. B. Fu, 2008: Relationships Between Surface Albedo, Soil

Thermal Parameters and Soil Moisture in the Semi-arid Area of Tongyu, Northeastern China.

Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 25(5), 757-764.

38. Liu, H. Z., G. Tu, C. B. Fu, and L. Q. Shi, 2008: Three-year Variations of Water, Energy and

CO2 Fluxes of Cropland and Degraded Grassland Surfaces in a Semi-arid Area of Northeastern

China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 25(6),1009-1020.

39. Zhang, R. J., C. B. Fu, Z. W. Han, and C. S. Zhu, 2008: Characteristics of elemental

composition of PM2.5 in the spring period at Tongyu in the semi-arid region of Northeast

China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 25(6), 922-931.

40. 符淙斌, 马柱国, 2008: 全球变化与区域干旱化. 大气科学, 32(4), 752-760.

41. 符淙斌, 延晓冬, 郭维栋, 2006: 北方干旱化与人类适应以地球系统科学观回答面向国家重大

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42. 涂钢, 刘辉志, 董文杰, 石利庆, 2006: 半干旱区退化草地地表能量收支. 气候与环境研究,

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43. 姜纪峰, 延晓冬, 黄耀, 郭维栋, 刘辉志, 王淑瑜, 2006: 半干旱区农田和草地与大气间二氧化碳

和水热通量的模拟研究. 气候与环境研究, 11(3), 413-424.

44. 刘辉志, 董文杰, 符淙斌, 2004: 半干旱地区吉林通榆干旱化和有序人类活动长期观测实验.

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45. 符淙斌, 安芷生, 2002: 我国北方干旱化研究面向国家需求的全球变化科学问题.

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46. 符淙斌, 温刚, 2002: 中国北方干旱化的几个问题. 气候与环境研究, 7(1), 20-29.



Fu Congbin, Jiang Zhihong, Guan Zhaoyong,·He Jinhai, Xu Zhongfeng(Eds.), 2008, Regional

Climate Studies of China. 474p. Springer Publishing House.

Fu Congbin, Guo Weidong, 2008. “Regional Climate of China”, Chap. 5: “Aridity Trend in

Northern China”, Springer Publishing House, pp 155-217


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