2012/08-2013/01,英国Met Office Hadley Center, 访问学习
1. Yang, Q.*, L. Chen, Y. Duan, D. Jian, and Z. Ma, 2021: Expansion of drylands in China with an additional half a degree warming. International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.7052.
2. Yang, Q.*, M. Li, Z. Zu, and Z. Ma, 2021: Has the stilling of the surface wind speed ended in China. Science China Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s11430-020-9738-4.
3. Yang, Q., Z. Ma*, P. Wu, N. Klingaman, and L. Zhang, 2019: Interdecadal seesaw of precipitation variability between North China and the Southwest US. Journal of Climate, 32, 2951-2968.
4. Yang, Q., Z. Ma*, X. Fan, Z.-L. Yang, Z. Xu, and P. Wu, 2017: Decadal Modulation of Precipitation Patterns over Eastern China by Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies. Journal of Climate, 30, 7017-7033.
5. Yang, Q., Z. Ma*, and B. Xu, 2017: Modulation of monthly precipitation patterns over East China by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Climatic Change, 144, 405-417.
6. Yang, Q*., Z. Ma, Z. Zheng, and Y. Duan, 2017: Sensitivity of potential evapotranspiration estimation to the Thornthwaite and Penman–Monteith methods in the study of global drylands. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 34, 1381-1394.
7. Yang, Q., M. Li, Z. Zheng, and Z. Ma*, 2017: Regional applicability of seven meteorological drought indices in China. Science China Earth Sciences, 60, 745-760.
8. 杨庆, 马柱国*. 2014: 新疆不同降水观测资料的比较及其差异的可能原因. 气候与环境研究,19, 452−462.
9. Yang, Q., Z. Ma*, and L. Chen, 2011: A preliminary analysis of the relationship between precipitation variation trends and altitude in China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 4, 41-46.