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2. Yan Zhongwei, Ding Yihui, Zhai Panmao, Song Lianchun, Cao Lijuan, Li Zhen, 2020: Re-assessing climatic warming in China since the last century. Journal of Meteorological Research, 34(2), 243-251.
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5. Cheng Qian*, Xuebin Zhang, Zhen Li. 2019: Linear trends in temperature extremes in China, with an emphasis on non-Gaussian and serially dependent characteristics. Climate Dynamics., 53, 533-550.
6. Shuang Yu, Zhongwei Yan*, Nicolas Freychet, Zhen Li. 2019: Trends in summer heatwaves in central Asia from 1917 to 2016: association with large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns. International Journal of Climatology, 40(1), 115-127.
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9. Zhen Li, Zhongwei Yan*, Lijuan Cao, Philip D. Jones. 2018: Further-adjusted long-term temperature series in China based on MASH. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences., 35(8), 909-917.
10. 童宣,严中伟*,李珍,曹丽娟. 2018: 近百年中国两次年代际气候变暖中的冷暖平流背景. 气象学报., 76(4), 554-565.
11. Zhen Li, Lijuan Cao, Yanni Zhu, and Zhongwei Yan*. 2016: Comparing two homogenized datasets of daily maximum/mean/minimum temperatures in China during 1960-2013. Journal of Meteorological Research., 30(1), 53-66.
12. Zhen Li, Zhongwei Yan*, Kai Tu, Hongyi Wu. 2015: Changes and Possible Urbanization Effect of Precipitation and Extremes in Beijing Metropolitan Region during 1960-2012 based on Homogenized Observations. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences., 32(9), 1173-1185.
13. Zhen Li, Zhongwei Yan*, Kai Tu, Hongyi Wu. 2015: Updated Homogenized Chinese Temperature Series with Physical Consistency. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters., 8(1): 17-22
14. Zhen Li, Zhongwei Yan*, Lijuan Cao, Philip D. Jones. 2014: Adjusting inhomogeneous daily temperature variability using wavelet analysis, International Journal of Climatology., 34, 1196-1207
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17. Zuoqiang Han, Zhongwei Yan*, Zhen Li, Weidong Liu, Yingchun Wang. 2014: Impact of urbanization on low-temperature precipitation in Beijing during 1960-2008. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters., 31(1), 48-56.
18. 严中伟*,王君,李珍,刘伟东. 2014: 基于均一化观测序列评估城市化的气候效应. 气象科技进展., 4(3), 41-48.
19. Jun Wang, Zhongwei Yan*, Zhen Li, Weidong Liu, Yingchun Wang. 2013: Impact of urbanization on changes in temperature extremes in Beijing during 1978-2008. Chinese Science Bulletin., 58 (36), 4679-4686.
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25. Fengqing Jiang*, Xuemei Li, Binggan Wei, Ruji Hu, and Zhen Li. 2009: Observed trends of heating and cooling degree-days in Xinjiang Province, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology., 97, 349-360.
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1. 严中伟、钱诚、罗毅、冯锦明、华丽娟、范丽军、李珍、王君、于爽,2019:共建绿色丝绸之路 – 资源环境基础与社会经济背景(刘卫东编著)第6章气候特征与变化趋势, 商务出版社,北京。
2. Yan Zhongwei, Qian Cheng, Luo Yi, Feng Jinming, Hua Lijuan, Fan Lijun, Li Zhen, Wang Jun, Yu Shuang, 2019: Joint Construction of Green Silk Roads (ed. Liu WD) Chapter 7, The Commercial Press, Beijing.
1. 国家重点研发计划,中欧极端气候变化对比研究,课题负责人,2019.8-2022.7;
2. 国家科技支撑计划,多源气象资料质量控制技术与融合分析技术,专题负责人,2012.1-2016.12;
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,考虑随机误差的逐日气温序列集合均一化方法研究,项目负责人,2016.1-2018.12;
4. 基于均一化观测资料的北京地区温度、降水极值分析,城市气象科学研究基金项目,项目负责人,2013.01-2014.06。