【学术报告】Dr. Kwok P Chun, Hong Kong Baptist University

发布时间:2019-06-17 |      】 | 【打印】 【关闭

报告题目:Multiscalar approaches for investigating and modelling hydroclimatic patterns

    人:Dr. Kwok P Chun  

       位:Hong Kong Baptist University




Abstract: Dr Kwok P Chun is an Assistant Professor from Hong Kong Baptist University. His main research interest is in hydroclimatic scaling relationships. Using stochastic approaches, he explores how regional climatic drivers modulate local hydrological variations and extremes (e.g. droughts). In this seminar, Dr Chun will provide examples to show how to use multiscale modelling to assist sustainable decision making. As an example of high-dimensional data analysis, he demonstrates how to use observations from multiple site to quantify climatic effects for Hong Kong environmental problems. Using African data, he will propose how to use low-dimensional models to simulate streamflow extremes based on multiscalar relationships. To apply multiscale results for environmental management, Dr Chun will introduce the Info-gap decision theory for making uncertain decision.