报告题目:Linking the Victoria mode in the North Pacific to ENSO
报 告 人:丁瑞强 教授
单 位:北京师范大学
时 间:2022年11月4日上午9:30~11:00
地 点:2号楼319会议室
报告人简介:丁瑞强,北京师范大学教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者。2001年兰州大学大气科学系本科毕业,2007年中国科学院大气物理研究所博士毕业。现担任国际气候学委员会(ICCL)委员、国际理论物理中心协联成员(Regular Associate of the ICTP)、国际气象和大气科学协会(IAMAS)中国委员会委员。曾荣获首届Early Career Scientist Awards of IUGG、中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖等奖励。主要从事可预报性、集合预报以及海气相互作用等方面的研究,在可预报性与集合预报新方法及其应用方面取得了系统性创新成果,提出的非线性局部Lyapunov 指数(NLLE)方法,被国内外学者广泛应用于可预报性、非线性动力学和集合预报等领域的研究。发表SCI论文90余篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文60余篇,主持国家杰出青年基金、国家重点研发计划课题、国家基金委面上基金等项目。
报告摘要: The Victoria mode (VM) represents the second dominant mode (empirical orthogonal function, EOF2) of North Pacific variability, independent of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and is defined as the EOF2 of SST anomalies in the North Pacific poleward of 20°N. The present study indicates that the VM is closely linked to the development of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The VM may effectively act as an ocean bridge (or conduit) through which the extratropical atmospheric variability in the North Pacific influences ENSO. The VM can trigger the onset of ENSO via the following two dominant processes: (1) surface air-sea coupling associated with the VM in the subtropical/tropical Pacific and (2) evolution of subsurface ocean temperature anomalies along the equator associated with the VM. These two processes may force sufficient surface warming to occur in the central eastern equatorial Pacific from spring to summer, which in turn initiates an ENSO event. The VM influence on ENSO relies on a basin-scale air-sea interaction dynamic, as opposed to more local-scale dynamics typically associated with the seasonal footprinting mechanism or Pacific meridional mode. The majority of VM events are followed by ENSO events. These ENSO events triggered by VM include El Niño Modoki (EM) as well as conventional El Niño. There is no evidence that the VM tends to be more conducive to the initialization of EM than conventional El Niño.